Will we find evidence of intelligent life other than human beings? 

Will we find evidence of intelligent life other than human beings? No, we will not find evidence of intelligent life other than human beings. How intelligent are jinn and angels? There are lots of jinn and angels in the cosmos, too numerous to count. If they are intelligent, then we can admit them into the group of intelligent beings in the cosmos. The purpose of the existence of the universe set a stage so as to allow the human being to reflect upon it. The focus is on the human being. The universe gives the impression that it is a physical phenomenon. However, upon deeper thought, we find out that physicality is only an appearance and that physicality masks geometric principles behind it. Using reason, we can find out why physical phenomena display geometric results. This comes from straightforward observation of the natural world. We can be sure that physicality is an illusion while the geometric principles that engender the physical realm is real. Physical phenomena is fleeting - changes, comes and goes - while the geometric principles that engender physicality is permanent, unchanging, immutable. The study of fractals opens the way to the understanding of the cosmos while other formulations run into contradictions. Fractals are characteristic of the cosmos because the purpose of the cosmos is to display beauty. The cosmos is an exhibition of beauty over and above functionality. The study of fractals is rooted in geometry. Only one location, namely earth is needed for the purposes of housing witnesses to the beauty of the cosmos. The earth is the center of culture in the cosmos. The owner of the cosmos wants to showcase beautiful works and expects praise from humans. That is the reason why humans witness beauty at every level of the manifestations in the cosmos. The reason why we will not find evidence of intelligent life other than human beings is because only human beings are under scrutiny by the owner of the cosmos. In particular, human behavior is “under God’s microscope”. Behavior expresses the character and the roles played. Some people use the word “simulation” and “simulation theory” for such a scenario. I agree that the word simulation expresses the correct meaning. My reservation to the use of the word simulation is that it takes away the heavy element of holiness, of sacredness and the attitude of reverence out of the intention behind God’s works. There exist dissipativeness expressed by the meaning of the word simulation, which is more appropriate for laboratory experiments rather than the cosmos.

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