What is the purpose of living under a simulation?

 We are living in a simulation.

The purpose of living in a simulation is to please the simulator by exhibiting gratefulness towards the simulator, by praising the simulator through recognizing and understanding the greatness of the simulator’s design.

The simulator especially loves beauty in character and good behavior, which is behavior that reflects integrity.

The focus of the simulation is on the human being who has been endowed with the faculty of intelligence that allows for recognition of the simulator and the faculty of will that allows for attachment to simulator.

Intelligence discerns truth about that which pleases the simulator from that which displeases the simulator, while the will attaches itself to the truth.

Discernment is to the intelligence as will is to attachment.

The door of discerment is focus while the door of the will is action.

Discerning truth from falsehood is to intelligence while love of beauty expresses willing attachment.

Doing good and denying evil from proliferating is a good way of reflecting and participating in truth and beauty.

Truth is associated with verticalness whereas beauty is associated with horizontalness.

Both truth and beauty characterizes and expresses unity. Truth and beauty is a non-dual pair.

In the scheme of things, the spirit which reflects truth is the vertical dimension whereas the physical realm beautifies and completes the spirit in the horizontal direction.

Assuredly, the spirit-physicality dichotomy is useful only for the purposes of expression which could help humans use their faculty of intelligence to discern between the two.

In reality, however, this dichotomy is artificial because of the unity that the universe exhibits at every level of existence. Briefly, the unity of existence is comprised of all possible combinations of dichotomies involving intelligence-will, as well as physicality-spirituality in a center-periphery geometrical framework. In reality only unity exists. This unity is expressible as a unit circle, not as a tick on the real number line system.

It is important to note that under repeated iteration the unit circle exhibits characteristics that are stable, interconnected, and beautiful.

The unit circle expresses truth and exhibits beauty through iterations of truth.

The picture below shows a beautiful expression of truth.


The wave phenomenon which pervades the universe is underpinned by the fractal wave which is a manifestation of the unit circle under iteration.

Truth is characterized by z=z squared whereas beauty expresses truth of this formula in graphic form as shown in the picture above.

The universe is not a physical phenomenon. It is a geometrical iteration which only appears physical but in realty is actually a mirage of colors.

All natural phenomena appear physical but expresses a single beautiful geometrical reality. The universe is literally a rigorous geometrical play of colors. From a similar angle, we can say that the universe is woven of mathematical rigor and musical play.

It would be accurate to say that the universe is a mirage which expresses unity of design.

I hope that you are able to discern this.

A philosopher has pointed out that the way of truth is radically different from the way of perception, which I readily agree with.

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