What is the meaning of life and the universe? Humans and everything else will eventually disappear, then what is the point of our development?

We exist and are expected to participate, reflect, resonate with the nature of things for the pleasure of the Simulator. We look for beauty and permanence in the myriad of phenomena.

The Simulator who is the Supreme Being wants to find out the results of the simulation.

He did not leave humans unguided.

Nay, He has sent thousands of prophets and messengers to help us navigate our way to the right path, which is the path whom He has blessed versus the path which He is displeased with.

Those who follow the blessed ways of the prophets and messengers will be blessed in this life and in the afterlife. That is their reward. The ultimate question: Does the behavior of each human being resonate with Divine intention?

Those whose are good character are those who follow the rules of the simulation. Good character means behavior that is outwardly and inwardly consistent. That is to say beautiful character reflects integrity.

Ultimately, the measure of a man is exhibited in character.

There are lots to say about the subject of character especially as it pertains to patterns, pattern recognition and its connection with what I call the human cosmos.

Humans reflect the Divine in totality as opposed to angels, jinn, minerals, vegetables and animals, all of which reflect only part of the Divine.

The Divine is infinitely vast but uses geometrical means to make the cosmos reflect Him.

The unit circle is used as the model in Divine Grand Plan. Every piece of dramatic action in the cosmos pertains to the unit circle.

Do study the Mandelbrot set which is derived from the unit circle and understand how fractals work.

Oneness in the universe refers to the integrity of the unit circle and all its fractal derivatives.

Fractals are an area of study in mathematics which is slowly but surely gaining credibility because it yields excellent results in a variety of applied fields, results that are not only useful but are beautiful as well: Introduction to Fractal Geometry

By way of patterns and pattern recognition, the fractal formulation of the universe cuts through directly to the domain of resultants.

The fractal formulation of the universe is fundamentally different from the physical theories of the universe.

Once a person grasps the implications of this, the key to meaning of permanence will be opened to that person.

Obviously, if one possesses powerful intuition, one can grasp that there exist only one fractal pattern which is exhibited at every level in the universe, namely, the torus/flower of life configuration.


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