Searching for the Truth? Is Ignorance Bliss?

Appearances deceive.

It is imperative that as human beings we search for the truth which lie beyond appearances.

The realm of appearances are lphysical in nature. Physicality decays, changes its appearance and die. By that token, physicality is unreliable.

That which is not immutable do not lie in the realm of principles.

The truth on the other hand is immutable. Truths lie in the realm of principles.

Principles do not decay and die.

The realm of principles is the root behind the myriad of appearances. Can we find a single principle that lie behind all appearances?

The phenomena of the natural world presents itself to us and challenges us to look for principles? Is there a single source for all phenomena?

I’m going for a short cut to say that if we can find principles that reflect the cosmos in an integral non contradictory way, we will bite on it and will not let it go. Truth is a personal experience - within - that entrenches itself within the heart and more than that it paves the way to view the universe -without - in a consistently harmonious way.

The realm within demands at least a short description. Beauty of character reflects the truth. In character or characteristics is the criteria that each of us will need: Getting rid of inconsistencies within is a extremely difficult science which lie beyond the capability of most twenty first century humans who are busy doing stuff..

The modern ways distracts us away from essentials rather help us focus on essentials, which I define as activities that resonate with primordial rhythms that have been reverberating in our universe for as long as it has existed.

The universe is not a physical phenomenon. It is a mathematical phenomenon that appears physical but in reality it is not physical.

Ignorance is bliss only for aboriginal peoples whose ways today have not been tainted by the modern ways. They still have their intellect or intuition intact. They can recognize the unity of existence bypassing any kind of dialectics. Intact here means undifferentiated: character is an integrally truth and beauty woven harmoniously into one.

The modernist who live today on the other hand do not have an intact intuition. They have to drag themselves back to primordiality if they can recognize it it in the first place.

Philosophy for the modernist? There’s another way for them: pattern recognition.

Patterns bypasses all arguments to reach directly to the results. It’s a short cut to understanding that which reverberates with the immutable.

Patterns tell us what we must do in order to perpetuate the pattern or not to break the pattern.

The modern ways have led to destruction and self destruction whereas the traditional ways preserve and perpetuate truths from time immemorial.

Fractals: Useful Beauty: Introduction to Fractal Geometry.

Fractal geometry is for the modernist who wish to get back to viewing the unity of the universe, truth and beauty rolled into one.

Do understand that truths do lend themselves to dimensions in the same way that the unit circle expresses truth parsimoniously. Two-dimensionality suffices for the truth to be beautifully expressed.

The unit circle is the model of the universe.

The fractal wave phenomenon is engendered by the unit circle. There are many sources that discusses this point and will not belabor this point. Add color meticulously and the universe is ready for display. Really, this is an ellipsis. I will add that our physical bodies are chock full, filled to the brim with fractals.

Our physical body is a manifestation of fractal geometry.

The universe in its full resplendence is “generated” from the unit circle.

It takes infinite power to create and sustain the universe.

Consciousness engenders geometry.

We cannot get away from this.

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