Are we living in a simulation?

Are we living in a simulation? Yes we are living in a simulation. The universe is designed, even optimized, so as to carry out the simulation. Once again, I iterate an important observation: that the universe is a geometric phenomenon that appears physical but is actually geometric. From observation, we find that all physical phenomena displays geometric results. Consciousness precedes intelligence and will. The aim of the simulation is to find out whether subjects - meaning humans - are (1) aware - conscious - that they are living under a simulation and that (2) their vocation on earth is to please the simulator. (1) is associated with intelligence while (2) is associated with will.. Consciousness is above intelligence and will and engenders them both. Consciousness is a wave phenomenon connects all phenomena beyond time, which is also an illusion. I’ll explain using allusions with reference to the picture above. It shows torus rings being blown out. The picture alludes to the connection between consciousness with all phenomena. Not quite! Phenomena does not have meaningful existence unless they are connected to the source, or the Source, with a capital S. The picture above does not do justice to the simulation because the speed between which the smoke rings emerge is infinitely fast, not slowly as shown in the picture. In the simulation that we live in, the torus rings that are blown out represents phenomena. The Source is hidden, cannot be seen with the physical eyes. Why is there something instead of nothing? The answer to this question is God wants to display beauty and wants to be praised for displaying beauty. Grasping the integral nature of beauty will open avenues. Beauty bites into the soul, which is also a torus. The torus is chosen because it engenders beauty that exhibit unity of the One Source, which is God. The torus is the beautiful expression that is engendered by the Source. All other explanations of the universe run into some contradiction unless the idea of beauty is incorporated into them. Beauty in the universe is expressed in terms of fractals. Fractaline geometry is the basis of universal expression. Above shows fractal principle.. Below shows a number of fractal manifestations. The above picture shows a number of well known fractals. In order to thwart distractions from fractal beauty which expresses Divine Beauty, one must resist the temptation of admitting other formulations of reality. That means understanding at some depth the idea of Divine intention and its connection with the geometrical underpinnings of reality. The most basic expression of fractals is z=z squared 

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